Goku Girl's Website Design Portfolio

I have screenshots of my old personal website designs as well as a few I've done for others. I don't have any screenshots of the original Fanfic Realm designs (there have been at least three) or from when I first got my domain (when this site was just known as GokuGirl.com). In fact, I don't have any from The Anime Café (it was accidentally deleted) or any from the several layouts of The Library of Palanthas (approximately four are lost), or the Cartoon Domain (two). It's sad, really.

Click on a thumbnail for a larger image.

eFiction Skin Designs For Others

All header images are copyrighted to the person I did the skin for unless otherwise stated.

Gold Elegance
Gold Elegance for Boque
(2006 [v1], 2007 [v2])
Splatter for Boque
(2006 [v1], 2007 [v2])
Patchwork for Boque
(2006 [v1], 2007 [v2])
for Rachael
Cafe Latte
Cafe Latte for Boque
Shadow Script
Shadow Script for Boque

Website Designs For Others

All header images are copyrighted to the person I did the design for unless otherwise stated.

Immoral Indulgence Awards
Immoral Indulgence Awards

My Personal Website Designs

The Dragon Ball Fanfiction Library
DBFL #2a
#2 entrance page
DBFL #2b
#2 main page
DBFL #3a
#3 entrance page
DBFL #3b
#3 main page
#4.1 main page
(#4.2 (2007) is not pictured. #5 (2008) is the current DBFL design)

Suto-ri Denkaku
Denkaku #1
Denkaku #2

The Sennenki Dragon Ball Fanfiction Contest
Sennenki #1
Sennenki #2
Sennenki #3

Dragonlance fan sites
LOP #5
Library of Palanthas #5
Krynntanica #2
Encyclopedia Krynntanica #2